American Walnut
American Walnut is gaining popularity for: its beauty, its work ease and for its tonal response. In addition, it is a sustainable and abundant wood, so important instrument manufacturers are starting to prefer it.
This wood offers a great stability once it is dry, and is easily molded and glued. Its great relationship between quality-price is another advantage to choose this acoustic wood for the backs of your acoustic guitar. Get them in Barber Woods with the best quality.
BOTANICAL NAME: Juglans nigra
ORIGIN: United States and Canada
DESCRIPTION:550-660 kg/m3 density. The sapwood color goes from white to yellowish brown and the heartwood can be reddish brown or chocolate colored. Sometimes it has violet tones.
SUGGESTIONS: It’s recommended to use a face mask when working with it because its dust is really irritating and can cause sneezes and nosebleed.
DRYING: Drying has to be done slowly to avoid any imperfection.
USES: It’s also used for fine furniture and floors, apart from musical instruments.