Brazilian Lacewood
Lacewood doesn’t only have peculiar acoustic features, but visual too. Its mesh is specially attractive, very similar to lace textile or some reptiles skin.
The acoustic has bright tones, perfect for making backs. The inconvenience is that it’s hard to work with because the uniform grain can cause cracks or deformations. But if treated rightly, the result will guitarist’s heart for its exotic touch.
Maderas Barber offers this so special wood for your acoustic guitar backs.
BOTANICAL NAME: Roupala brasiliensis, Roupala Montana.
COMMERCIAL NAMES: Brazilian Lacewood, Louro Faia, Leopardwood, Brazilian Silky Oak.
ORIGIN: Tropical South America.
DESCRIPTION: 885 kg/ m3 density wood.The color of this wood changes from dark pink to reddish brown and shows a pattern of little rounded or oval marks. Its exotic appearance it’s usually related to reptile skins. The grain is usually straight.
SUGGESTIONS: Machining has no difficulty, same as gluing and finishing.
DRYING: Drying time is slow and the process needs to be careful because it can be easy to deform.
USES: Used for plated pieces for Sides, Backs and Flamenco boxes.