Curly Eucalyptus
The Curly Eucalyptus is not very common in the musical instrument’s construction; however, it has certain qualities that makes it worth working with.
This wood has a great mechanical resistance, hardness and elasticity, in addition to a very colorful veining. However, it must be worked with delicacy, since it is a difficult wood to dry and it tends to deform.
If you work it carefully, the Curly Eucalyptus backs of for acoustic guitar from Barber Woods can be a good option for your instrument.
BOTANICAL NAME: Eucalyptus globulus
COMMERCIAL NAMES: White Eucalyptus
ORIGIN: Tasmania
DESCRIPTION:740-830 kg/m3 density. The color of the sapwood is greyish white or pale cream and the heartwood goes from cinnamon-color to reddish brown or light yellow. The wood grain is medium and twisty.
SUGGESTIONS: It’s important to keep the wood in a place without abrupt temperature or humidity changes, a great powerful equipment is necessary to saw because of the deformations that growth tautness can cause.
DRYING: Drying is complicated. There’re risks of deformations, crack formation and
USES: In the musical field, is exclusively used for the sounding box, back and sides. It’s also used for railroads and wooden flooring.