Purple Heart
Acoustic guitars made with Purple Heart wood offer an originality different from any other instrument: an intense purple colour that no other wood has.
Its sound qualities are definitely an advantage too. This wood has a brilliant tone very similar to Hard Maple, but warmer. Physically, Purple Heart is a dense, hard wood, so a little complicated to work with acoustic guitar rings.
However, choosing this wood for your instrument will give a personal and different touch that few other woods have. Bet for this acoustic Maderas Barber’s Purple Heart rings.
BOTANICAL NAME: Peltogyne pubelcens
ORIGIN: Central America
DESCRIPTION: Sapwood colour goes from pale pink to white, heartwood colour turns into a stronger violet on contact with air.
SUGGESTIONS: The Wood tends to get dark on contact with air, saw is easy, but requires big powerful equipments. Saws become blunt quickly.
DRYING: It can change from slow to regular speed, with some risks of deformations.