Honduras Rosewood
Honduras Rosewood is a very well-known wood for its excellent acoustic properties. It has an excellent tone, considered as one of the best in hard woods. For that reason, is a competent wood for making acoustic guitars, instrument keys, xylophones and other acoustic musical instruments.
These properties make it a very appreciated wood by luthiers all over the world, but also for its particular beauty. Maderas Barber offers you these acoustic guitar rings of a great quality: a safe bet for your instrument.
BOTANICAL NAME: Dalbergia Stevensonii
COMMERCIAL NAMES: Honduras Rosewood.
ORIGIN: Honduras
DESCRIPTION:1,025 kg/m3 density. The heartwood colour can change from a deep purple-brown to a light brown. The most usual is a mauve-brown. The sapwood is clearly different and it has a pale yellow colour
SUGGESTIONS: It might be a bit difficult to mechanise and tends to quickly wear blades away. Due to its high content in oil, gluing can be complicated, and the wood colour can change a little bit when using finishing products.
DRYING: Drying speed is slow, it’s recommended to control the temperature.
USES: Fine furniture, musical instruments, wood veneer, torneada and other specialized wood objects.