Exotic African Ebony
The impressive Exotic Ebony adds a bright and dynamic touch to the instrument sound, apart from being the best ally to scratches and stains. This wood has more and more followers each day, equipped with excellent acoustic properties and such a singular pattern that makes it different from every wood we know. Its pattern mixes the ebony homogeneity with white draws, getting a black and white contrast that no other wood can offer. Exotic Ebony is a more than suggested option to make your acoustic guitar sides. Maderas Barber knows how special this wood is, that’s why we have a wide quality variety of Exotic Ebony sides and a large stock to cover its high demand.
BOTANICAL NAME: Diospyros crassiflora Hiern.
ORIGIN: West and Central Africa
DESCRIPTION: Black colour wood with a 1030-1050 kg/m3 density. Colours are light in the sapwood and black in the heartwood. This kind presents more variety colours and it creates pieces of a great beauty. The ebony grain is straight, but it can be intertwined at some point. Grain is thin.
SUGGESTIONS: It easily cracks to environmental changes or relative humidity. It’s resistant to insects and fungus action. Easy to saw, but tools will probably need to be constantly sharp, while machining and gluing get complicated because of its density and hardness conditions. Finishing has no problems. It might produce eczemas or skin irritation.
DRYING: Drying time changes from ordinary to slow, it presents good drying in small sizes and it has some tendency to crack or deform.