Spalted Maple
BOTANIC NAME: Acer saccharum Marsh.
COMMON NAMES: Spalted maple
ORIGIN: North America
DESCRIPTION:  Density 630-700 kg/m3. Grain pattern typically straight. Pale colour with dark veins. Spalting is created by fungal invasion of wood. It is literally rotting, this causes some areas of the wood to bleach to a champagne colour while other areas retain the original colour of the wood. Certain fungi can even produce stained areas of blue, pink and other colours. The most fascinating creations of the fungi are dark lines, usually black, that look like free-form art drawn with a calligraphy pen or figures in fine marble.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Cutting, machinery and sanding can be difficult. Suitable for steam bending. Easy gluing and finishing.Â
DRYING: Drying process is easy. Risk of cracks.
USES: Â Electric Bass guitar body tops and Electric Guitar body tops.