American Walnut
American Walnut is a sustainable and abundant wood that has gained popularity among the guitar makers. It is a very stable wood and, once dry, it is able to resist the wear of the strings and rubbing almost like any wood of greater density.
In addition, its high availability makes the price to be way lower than other woods. Discover in Barber Woods this wood beauty, which is easy to work, is very resistant, and perfect to use to make acoustic guitar headplates.
BOTANICAL NAME: Juglans nigra
COMMERCIAL NAMES: American Black Walnut, American Walnut.
ORIGIN: United States and Canada.
DESCRIPTION: It has a density of 550-660 kg/m3. The sapwood color varies from white to yellowish brown and the heartwood color is reddish brown or chocolate-colored. Sometimes they may present violet tonalities.
SUGGESTIONS: It is recommended to wear a mask when you are working with it because the dust it produces, is very irritating and it causes sneezing and nosebleeds.
DRYING: It must dry slowly to avoid defects.
USES: It is used to make fingerboards and soundboads.