African Exotic Ebony
The Exotic Ebony is a booming wood. Its acoustic properties are very similar to the Ebony ones. The main difference is in the aesthetics, since the Exotic Ebony offers a much more suggestive visual design, since its drawing is not homogeneous and it offers a very striking and special appearance due to the combination of its white grains that intertwine with the characteristic black color of this wood.
In addition, like the Ebony, this wood is characterized by its hardness, its resistance and its stability and its wonderful sound qualities that give to the guitar a bright and dynamic touch.
For all this, the Exotic Ebony is one of the most recommended woods to make headplates. So do not hesitate and get the Exotic Ebony headplates to make an acoustic guitar and get to discover one of the great Maderas Barber bets.
BOTANICAL NAME: Diospyros crassiflora Hiern.
COMMERCIAL NAMES: Exotic African Ebony, Exotic Black Ebony.
ORIGIN: Central and Western Africa.
DESCRIPTION: It is a black wood whose density is 1030-1050 kg/m3. The sapwood color of this wood is lighted and the heartwood is black. This wood presents a great color variety which provides beautiful pieces. Ebony fiber is fine and straight; however, it can be intertwined at times.
SUGGESTIONS: It cracks easily when there are temperature changes or relative humidity. It is resistant to fungi and insects. It is easy to saw, although the tools will need to be sharpened often. Machining and gluing are complicated because it is a dense and a hard wood. The finish does not present problems. It can cause certain eczemas or skin irritations.
DRYING: The drying speed varies from normal to slow. Small pieces dry well and they tend to crack or distort.
USES: It is used to make various instrument fingerboards and to make wind instruments.