AA Cocobolo Classical Guitar Backs
Overview AA Cocobolo Classical Guitar Backs:
AA Cocobolo Classical Guitar Backs are pieces of a very hard wood, native to Central and South America, with a range of colors from a vibrant orange to a very dark brown, with all shades in between. Marked streaks that form beautiful patterns are also common. Some pieces even have purple tones and the use of pieces with some sapwood, in a beautiful vanilla color, is also common in luthiery. Few woods are as beautiful as cocobolo, which only needs to be carefully glued due to the high presence of natural oils.
How is cocobolo classified?
In the AA Cocobolo Classical Guitar Backs we will find pieces that do not reach the special category due to some small detail: a less spectacular pattern, a more uniform color without so much variety, the presence of the slightest hole or flaw, etc. In any case, cocobolo is one of our best woods and the appearance of one of the AA grade pieces is even superior to the AAA grades of other woods, such is its beauty. A good number of craftsmen use this quality for their top of the range guitars.
- Dimensions: (550x200x4 mm)x2
- Botanical Name: Dalbergia retusa
- Origin: Mexico
- Density: 990–1250 Kg/m3
Requires CITES Certificate for export out of the European Union
- Wood
- Cocobolo
- Quality
- AA
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