Asturian Bagpipe
The Asturian bagpipe belongs to the group of wind instruments or aerophones and the main characteristic is its air reservoir called bellows.
It has many parts, but the ones that interest us because they are made of wood are the following: the bass drone is responsible for producing a bass note that sounds whenever the gaita is being played. The Blowpipe is the part of the bagpipe that allows the air to enter the bellows and prevents it from escaping to the outside thanks to a leather tab. The Chanter is in charge of producing the melody thanks to the skill of the musician who covers and uncovers its holes. Its interior is conical. The tenors are the sound producing elements of the bagpipe. Finally, the stocks are the pieces that allow the union of the bellows to the chanter, the blowpipe and the drones.
Generally, as in other bagpipes, one looks for a wood that is light (there are a large number of pieces and it is often played standing up for long periods of time), has good sonority, is resistant and has an attractive look. The most traditionally used wood is boxwood, but ebony, blackwood, mopane, cocobolo, kingwood, santos rosewood, tulipwood... are also used.