Indian Rosewoood
Indian Rosewood is probably the most used tonewood in headplates building. Luthiers and big brands of instrument builders use Indian Rosewood thanks to its incredibly beauty with brown, rose and purple colors and to its wonderful acoustic with a dark and warm sound.
In Maderas Barber we offer Indian Rosewood headplates for your classic guitar: don’t miss the opportunity of tasting the sweetness of this marvelous wood.
BOTANIC NAME: Dalbergia latifolia.
COMMON NAMES: Indian Rosewood, East Indian Rosewood.
ORIGIN: India.
DESCRIPTION: Density 870-900 kg/m3. Heartwood can vary from a golden brown to a deep purplish brown, with darker brown streaks. The wood darkens with age, usually becoming a deep brown. Has a medium texture and fairly small pores. The grain is usually narrowly interlocked.
RECOMMENDATIONS: It can be difficult to work with tools because of its interlocked grain and density. The wood can sometimes contain chalky deposits that will rapidly dull cutting edges. Glues and finishes well, though colour from the wood’s natural resins can inadvertently bleed onto surrounding surfaces when applying a finish, so care must be taken on the initial seal coats. Can cause skin irritation
DRYING: Dries slowly. There is no risk of deformation but it can crack. The wood colour improves with the drying.
USES: Guitar tops , backs, fingerboards, bridges, headplates and Zanfoña pieces.